Tuesday, August 16, 2016

What do we deserve?

We have to power to remember things and have memories,
Yet we forget the beautiful ones and hold on to the ones that would eat us up. 

We have the ability to help, praise, love, sacrifice, 
But we choose to hurt. 

We can choose to stand up after we fall,
But we choose to lay and stay paralyzed. 

We have the ability to speak, and make actions that could show appreciation,
Yet we never do them until we're at the funeral of our loved ones. 

We always have people we hold dearly in our hearts,
But they are the same people we are most far away from.

We have can always forgive, and if we're lucky, we'll be able to forget,
But we've never really gave ourselves the chance to do either of them. 

We have people we truly love,
But we choose to hurt the ones who we love the most. 

We please the ones who we never want to have a future with,
And we throw anger at the ones who means the world to us. 

Who are we to deserve all of the beautiful abilities that God gave us just to use them in the opporsite way?  

Do we really deserve anything at all? 
I guess we don't. 

Monday, March 14, 2016


Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Struggle

"You're so lucky"

Every time i hear that being said to me, i just wish i could tell them : It's not what you see.

Everything that remains unseen in a person, is the ugliest part of a person. People get jealous of me because they've never seen what i chose to hide. All the struggles, the struggle of trying to be a normal person.

I am unhealthy. I have skin problems. I wake up everyday and look into to mirror, just to see what my skin condition is today. It can be good, or it can be horrible. I have insecurities, too. I have a low self esteem, low self confidence, and at times, i wish i could hide and not see a single person and i would wish i was someone else, too.

No one in this planet can feel the exact same pain as you do. Of course, i may seem like i have a good life, i can laugh all day and joke around, i have a loving family, loving friends. But no one knows i try so hard to get myself together everyday, i try to pull every single bit of me that's strong together so i don't fall apart in front of people who care about me, i don't story what i've been through because i don't think anyone will understand. But once i loosen up myself, every nightmare starts to eat me up again. 

No matter how many times i stood up, i can still be beaten up by the same reality-nightmare over and over again. I can cry every night if i wanted to, because i feel pain everyday. I can cry everyday because i wish to be a normal person everyday, someone who can do whatever i want without having to worry about the things that i do will trigger the inner illness of mine. 

Do you know the struggle of wanting to be a normal person?
You wish you were me? Maybe i would wish i was you. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014








在你们帮我庆祝生日的那一刻,我回想到我曾经盼望可以成为你们的一分子的时候。当天你们为我唱生日歌的时候,其实我真的很开心... 谢谢你们。我知道在我们里面,还有一些是没有很我真正聊过的,但是谢谢你们当天也愿意为我庆祝,为我唱生日歌。真的 真的谢谢你们。


当我告诉你们  你们是我18岁最好的礼物的时候,请不要以为我在开玩笑

ps. 我知道以为这 gang 有很多人,难免你会觉得你自己可有可无  但是我可以告诉你,你不是。我相信每一个人对每一个人都很重要 

Monday, September 8, 2014



我很少看小说,但是最近 我迷上了一本小说
我喜欢读着小说的时候 我总是会不知不觉的笑起来
我喜欢读着小说的时候 我会忘了所有的压力 烦恼
我喜欢读着小说那一刻给我的幸福 给我的小小喜悦。

但是我发觉 没有小说的时间 我会很空虚
我开始埋冤 为什么出版社要让读着等待

原来 喜欢上一个东西也会很痛苦
习惯 有时候是危险的

但是一旦喜欢上了 可以那么容易戒掉吗?

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Common Goodbye.

Throughout the years, i've come to realise that the most common way of someone saying goodbye to me - is not saying goodbye at all.

I'm very sensitive when it comes to the people i love and the people i care about, it is very typical of me to appreciate them as much as i can. When i love someone, i always find myself forgetting the fact that they might or will leave me someday.

I do understand that it's normal that people will leave someday. We'll drift apart, we'll have less in common, we'll change. But when someone makes me feel so important to them on the last second and stop talking to me without a reason on the next second, is not okay for me.

To me it is really irresponsible and unfair. When you do this to someone, have you ever thought how many questions they have to go through before they can get over this friendship/relationship?
What have i done wrong?
Am i not good enough?
Did someone else replace me?
What happened to us?

I don't think they know what it feels like to be left hanging that way.
It's just like buying a puppy, treating it with all your love and care, and once you know the puppy is starting to rely on you and is loyal to you, you just leave it home alone and never come back ever again, leaving it to die alone. It is equally as cruel as that. 
Maybe they don't understand, or they won't understand. Because they don't care or don't value you as much as you value them.

I can never let go of people who did this to me, because i value them too much to forget them, i love them too much to hate them. This has always been stuck inside me, i just have to let it out every once in a while.

If you've ever done this to anyone or ever wanted to do this to anyone, please don't. If you want to leave, at least give them a reason, they deserve to know.

Signed off.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Hardest days of my life?

As i mentioned before in the 'Emotional Breakdown' post several months ago, i have rashes on my face. There was a massive improvement several weeks ago, to the point where i thought it wouldn't come back again. Unfortunately, it did, it hit me like a lightning.

Do you have a fear? Say you have to wake up to your biggest fear everyday, and you have to go through it almost every hour of every single day, would you be terrified? Let's say you're afraid of spiders, imagine that you have to touch a spider and let it crawl on you every hour of the day just so you can pass another day, wouldn't it be scary?

Well, these things on my face, are my biggest fear. I have to wake up in the morning, walk towards the mirror with my heart pounding rapidly and wishing what i see in the mirror is what i want to see, and having the fear that it wouldn't be what i want to see, every. single. day.

Growing up i was never really insecure about myself, because i am happy with how i looked, and everything else in me. I was a confident person. Never in my life that i've felt so insecure about myself before. I need to build up my courage these days just so i can walk out of the house, i have to swallow how i feel about myself so that i wouldn't make everyone else around me feel sorry for me, especially my parents. I would have to try to look into the mirror and not cry, and tell my reflection that everything is going to be okay, because i believe in Him.

No matter how many times i repeat positive things to myself, i still know that these things on my face are still eating me up, making me want to cry every second, making me hate myself, making me wish i could kill myself. And this has been continuing since the last 2 months or more. Staying strong? Easier to be said than done.

But being in this stage, i've learnt something. Surely, when you're in an unfortunate situation, you would start to look at the people around you and ask yourself : "why me?"
I compared myself with my gang of girls, all 6 of them. I started to hate them, i hated them for having flawless skin, i hated them for being so lucky that they don't have to go through what i am going through, i hated them for not trying to understand me and being there for me when i'm at my lowest. I hated them so much because at some point i really wished i was one of them.

Then i realised, how can i hate them for not trying to understand me, when i've never even tried to understand them?
I don't know what it's like to lose a father at such a young age.
I don't know what it's like to grow up in a complicated family.
I don't know what it's like to have to leave someone you love unwillingly.
I don't know what it's like to have so much responsibilities at this age, when i can't even handle myself.
And the list goes on and on. I came to realise that all 6 of my girls, are all strong and beautiful girls. Thinking about all the things they've been through, and all the things they're still going through, made me realise how lucky i am to be me. As odd as it sounds, i felt lucky. The rashes on my face, the hardships i've experienced and been through, are absolutely nothing compared to theirs. I may have rashes, but it can and may go away, but once you've lost someone you love, you won't get them back.
If you are reading this, my girls, you are beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I'm so thankful that i found a positive message when all of my thoughts are negative.

One of the worst things about having this whole allergy thing is that i break my family's heart too. I've cried in front of them several times, and i know it sucks when they see me cry, just like how it sucks when you see your mother cry and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. There were so many times i tried to suck it back in, but every time my mother tries to comfort me, i just lose it. And i realise that at the end of the day, nobody is gonna be there for you like your family, and no one will love you unconditionally like they do, no matter what situation you are in.

2014 is still pretty sucky since the start for me. There isn't a day that goes by where i can just go out like a normal person without worrying that people on the streets will look at me and think : "wow, what's happened to this girl?" because of my face. I believe everyone needs to go through a really tough stage in their lives, perhaps this is mine? I just want 2014 to end, i just want all of these to end as soon as possible.

Dear Lord, there's nothing else i would wish for.

Singing off.